Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Trayvon Martin, Race, and the Gospel: You have probably seen and heard about the sad case of Trayvon Martin being shot by a volunteer neighborhood watchman. John Piper writes about the Christian response  to these kind of racially tense stories. Should I Divorce If I’m Miserable? Russel Moore answers this question. His response shouldn’t surprise anyone, butContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Feel It’s Offense…

 As we approach Easter, it is important to focus our hearts on the cross. Most years, I have walked into the Easter season much like I walk into any other season. Thoughtlessly. But how much time do I spend preparing for Christmas? It usually takes months for me to not just get ready for the festivities, butContinue reading “Feel It’s Offense…”

New Mercies…

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” ~Lamentations 3:22-23 The life of a mother is one where mercy needs to refresh us every morning we open our eye’s. Obviously this applies to every human-being no matter what their vocation or place inContinue reading “New Mercies…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Complementarian Decision-Making as a Couple: I can’t tell you how many times I have had a conversation with another woman about how I am a complementarian and how that works out practically in my marriage. I find if a woman is unclear of how it works out in the day-to-day she is going to have a harderContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Why Imposters Love the Church: This is a pretty chilling article by Russel Moore about Christian imposter’s, like wolves in sheep’s clothing reeking havoc in the church. It is an important read. Contentment: I have been thinking about writing about this exact subject recently (and might still write about it), but Rebekah from the Femina Blog sure captured what I have feltContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”