Gloria, In Excelsis Deo…

Have you ever wondered as these words melodically came out of your mouth…”What the heck am I saying?” I remember thinking that as a very young adult. I had sung Angels we have heard on high about a gazillion times, but I still didn’t know what I was saying. These wonderful words are in theContinue reading “Gloria, In Excelsis Deo…”

A Simple Prayer Of…”Come”

I still remember the Columbine School shooting. I was in highschool and although I lived in a small city in Canada it still effected us. There was nothing like it at the time because it was a new and horrifying phenomenon. Sadly today there are many stories of this nature. Random shootings resulting in the death’sContinue reading “A Simple Prayer Of…”Come””

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

I don’t know how I managed to get this done, with my daughter’s birthday and two Christmas parties this weekend, but I did. Hurray me! Is The Culture At War With Christmas: I just wrote on this topic but Russell Moore is far more articulate and astute than I am, so give it a read! How ToContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Offended By A Greeting?…

Christmas is the season in which Facebook begins to exploded with pictures that say “Keep Christ in Christmas” and “It’s not happy holidays, It’s Merry Christmas (Like if you agree)!” Christians become angry that their precious holiday is becoming PC with these generic, non-denominational greetings. Then we begin to take it a step further and “boycott” Wal-Mart and McDonald’s for plasteringContinue reading “Offended By A Greeting?…”