Four Years With My Boy…

Today there will be no Let Me Direct… cause this day is dedicated to my little boy. Today my first-born turns 4. Four years ago my husband and I were beginning a new chapter in our lives. Bumbling through early parenthood…”why is he crying?” Is he hungry?” Is that poo color normal?” …you know all thatContinue reading “Four Years With My Boy…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

First things first. I will not be posting any articles that have to do with the Strange Fire conference. I have kept up with some of its content along with the opposition, but I have no desire to continue any arguments here. There is enough of that going on elsewhere. But I do feel like it is aContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Ugly Heart…

Hearts are ugly. They’re veiny, throbbing, bloody, repulsive globs of gross. As you can tell I have a very light stomach for all things biology and body innards.  Getting blood taken is an anxiety ridden event. And in the past I used to require my husband to hold my hand and tell me stories until the needle was out, so I could getContinue reading “Ugly Heart…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

She Yelled And Called Me Names: This is a quick read and such a fantastic reminder. “As I drove away, I began to cry. Not because I had been called so many terrible names, but because God had answered my very recent prayer—which was that He would allow me to see people as He sees them, notContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”