Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

In lue of my “reformed break”, I don’t have a lot of dense theology for you this time around. But I do still have some good stuff. Hope you enjoy it! The Hunger Games Made Me Cry Like A Little Baby: I am currently reading the hunger games. Yup, I know I jumped on the band wagon.Continue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Reformed Break…

This is an “It’s not you…it’s me” situation. I grew up in your average charismatic, evangelical, practical church with lots and lots of topical preaching. I don’t remember learning a lot. So when I got to an age where I actually started valuing my brain and that little book called the Bible, I realized thatContinue reading “Reformed Break…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Well I have had a few rough nights with the kids and sleep deprivation is starting to take its toll, so I am going make this a very short “Let Me Direct…”. And then I am going to try to have a very lazy Sunday. I hope your’s is restful too! Satan’s Desire For Mothers:Continue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

A Great High Priest…

Difficulty is all around us… Mourning, anxiety, frustration, uncertainty, concern, exhaustion, waiting, sorrow, nerves. Just take your pick. Because I am sure all of us could grab at least one of these words and wear it as an emblem on our chest. I know I could. So instead of going on and on about Godly contentment, whichContinue reading “A Great High Priest…”

Earning The Parental Badge…

I earned Mother’s Day on Sunday. I knew the day was going to be less than your average day for mother’s, just because my husband works Sunday mornings (which means sleeping in and/or breakfast in bed was out), and we had family plans for the evening. I was fine with that. I don’t need toContinue reading “Earning The Parental Badge…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

This is a mother’s day edition, but if you are not a mom or you are not married, please don’t feel left out. There are plenty of things in here for you too! A Mother’s Day For All Woman: This is a wonderful post that address’ the gamut of woman who are effected by this very special and challenging day. WhereContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

The Scripture, The Spirit And Waging War…

I recently found myself in a blog comment debate. Blah! It was very short, but I know, I know…what a waste of time! I usually avoid that kind of cyber communication like the plague, as I believe it is as useless as trying to cut a steak with a plastic knife. Why bother? But I found it interesting howContinue reading “The Scripture, The Spirit And Waging War…”