Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

What Can The Church Learn About Sexual Harassment: The recent Bill O’Reilly scandal has opened up an opportunity for the church to think through how we respond to these matters. And this article is a great starting point to this conversation. Beware Of Broken Wolves: Wow. Yes, this is sooo out there and extremely important toContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

When Sin Gathers, So Must Love…

My daughter has a habit of collecting things. However most of her collecting fondness is directed towards rocks. Some colorful, some smooth, big and small. Even the extremely regular or somewhat unexceptional ones she’s drawn to for whatever reason. She’ll fill her coat pockets or pass them off to me for safe keeping in the endless depths of my purse.Continue reading “When Sin Gathers, So Must Love…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

It has been such a challenge trying to get to this blog for some reason. Life has allowed little time and inspiration in order for good writing. So I apologize for the crickets over here. I’m hoping for a change of pace soon and some much-needed stimulated motivation. Marriage Is The Gold Standard Of FamilyContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”