Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Flower Mound Women’s Bible Study: This is a Bible Study led by Jen Wilkin and all of her studies are here on podcast. I have been doing the Joshua study at home and it is great! So here is a wonderful resource for women! Porch Preaching: This may well come off as totally offensive. But itContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

My thoughts and prayers are with France and Turkey and so many other places suffering terribly from war and attacks. These times urge me on to pray for Christ’s return again and again. France: A Fabric Torn: This reads like a lament about the recent attacks and the state of the world. Read it and be drawnContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

  Mike Rowe Doesn’t Want You To Follow Your Passion: A man sent him (the “Dirty Jobs” guy) a letter questioning him about his statement, and his response is very good. Today, we have millions looking for work, and millions of good jobs unfilled because people are simply not passionate about pursuing those particular opportunities. Do we reallyContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Be Yourself In Prayer: Yes!! We are all guilty of changing a bit when it comes time to pray, so this is just a helpful guide for all of us. Husbands, Hold Your Wife’s Hand: Well this made me pretty teary-eyed. And I just love what he says so much. Read this one! Living WithContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Wow its been while since I did this. Like I already said, it has been a needed break. So here you go. Accidental Pharisees: This is a book I need to read. I was convicted just by this review of the book by Tim Challies. Here is one example of the accidental Pharisee that Osborne describesContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

There Is No Such Thing As An Unlikely Convert…

How does a secular, Unitarian universalist, feminist, lesbian become a stay-at-home, homeschooling, domesticated, pastor’s wife and mother? This is the story of Rosaria Champagne Butterfield and a relentless God. Her book is entitled The Secret Thoughts Of An Unlikely Convert and it is written by hers truly. I just finished reading it and wow…what a story. What aContinue reading “There Is No Such Thing As An Unlikely Convert…”

God’s Lordship And Silverlinings…

Recently I read The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick and I have to admit that I read the book because of the success of the movie, (although I hadn’t seen the movie at the time). But after finishing the book I hummed and hawed over whether or not I should watch the movie. I mean, we all know that books areContinue reading “God’s Lordship And Silverlinings…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

This will be short. Why? I’m tired. My kids are watching some old mickey mouse cartoons right now, so I want to be as quick as possible with this. We are half way done Daycamps, but the two weeks that are still before us feels like a mountain we have yet to climb. But alas, thisContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

VeggieTales, Moralism And The Gospel…

My kid’s watch VeggieTales. Not because they asked me if they could, but because I introduced them to it. They watch it because I put it on for them. But long before I had kids I had strong feelings toward this cartoon starring vegetables and its messages to kids. I had read many opinions by scholarly type people who believed allContinue reading “VeggieTales, Moralism And The Gospel…”