Black Friday…And A Black Jesus…

A strange phenomenon called Black Friday is before us (tomorrow). And I don’t think the title for it could be any more fitting. This is predominantly an American thing, but Canadians participate too, by sitting in a ridiculous 3 hour line-up at the border in order to head down to Target for some good deals. Black Friday is theContinue reading “Black Friday…And A Black Jesus…”

The Gift Of Silence…

Silence is hard to come by during this stage of my life. I dare say it never happens unless I awake in the middle of the night. There is always some sounds present. My children, my husband, the tv, music, the dishwasher running or the buzzing of the laundry machine to name a very few.Continue reading “The Gift Of Silence…”

Who Is The Sexiest…

So guess who the sexiest man alive is?! Bradley Cooper! No, I don’t actually care who People Magazine crowned the sexiest man alive. I just happened to go on and there he was in all of his sexy glory, with a headline above his sexily greased hair, 2011’s Sexiest Man Alive. And I thought to myself,Continue reading “Who Is The Sexiest…”

Marriage And The Fruits Of The Spirit…

I have a confession to make. I am a lousy spouse. My husband is by far the better spouse in our relationship, and I’ll tell you why. He is humble and I am not. I am also very stubborn which is quite possibly one of the worst traits a spouse can have. The reason for this is becauseContinue reading “Marriage And The Fruits Of The Spirit…”

Operation Christmas Child…

Every year my church does a big push for the wonderful organization Samaritan’s Purse and their yearly Operation Christmas Child. And every year my church plays a video of the children recieving their gifts. And every year I sit there like an idiot and cry like a baby. OCC is way more than just a toy drive. ItContinue reading “Operation Christmas Child…”

Are You Man Enough?…

My husband and I have always been somewhat bothered….frusterated…okay more like completely aggravated by the state of the Christian young adult man. And I don’t want to lump them all into one pitiful stereotype, but lets just say we have met a lot of them. What I am talking about is the Christian male whoContinue reading “Are You Man Enough?…”

Binded By Choice…

When you think of the word choice, does the word bondage quickly come to mind? Probably not. Here in the West choice is associated with freedom. We live in the land of the strong and free. When our ancestor’s migrated to the West they most likely did so to give there children freedom. Freedom being; having aContinue reading “Binded By Choice…”