Kid Friendly YouTube Video’s…

Lets face it…its a new day in the world of parenting. Not only do we have to monitor what our kids see on TV, but we have to monitor the computer, as well as iPhones and other gadgets that I’m sure will be invented any day now. I feel good about the fact that my kid’s can’t justContinue reading “Kid Friendly YouTube Video’s…”

A Sappy Post About Being A Parent…

Over 2 years ago I would have described myself as being somewhat strong and not prone to blubbering during a hallmark card commercial. Sure, I am a girl, which mean I have always had my moments of tears and outbursts during movies. But I was never “that girl”. The one who is relentless in her emotions towardContinue reading “A Sappy Post About Being A Parent…”

“Genderless” Babies And So-Called Authenticity…

My generation is obsessed with something. And it is beginning to pervade our society in bigger and bigger ways. Authenticity. When I was 19 I started writing my thoughts in book form. It was on-going and I wrote through the sickness and death of my father. My thoughts were raw, truthful, painful and ultimately authentic.Continue reading ““Genderless” Babies And So-Called Authenticity…”

Prejudice And Just Plain Racism…

I live in a very diverse city. Although we are part of the “Bible belt” and have many churches in every nook and cranny of the city, we also have a huge population of East Indian people (a lot of whom are Sikh). Unfortunately this mixing of cultures can bring out the ugly in people. IContinue reading “Prejudice And Just Plain Racism…”

The Time Has Finally Come…

Daycamps are officially done!!! Chris worked so hard, and so long….and soon he can rest!! Tomorrow he will be working but then after that he is off for one blissful week! We made it!!! Okay enough excessive exclamation marks. 🙂 The Lord has been good to us through it all. When Chris was tired, but needed toContinue reading “The Time Has Finally Come…”