Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

  Because it’s been awhile, I thought I would do a mini version of “Let me direct…”. The truth is, I have had very little time to wander the web, so I haven’t had much to share. Yesterday was my son’s birthday, and I will hopefully be writing about that soon. But onto todays post…enjoy! DearContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

He Holds The Golden Chalice To Your Lips…

I love the imagery that the great Charles Spurgeon can create in your mind. This devotional piece is a sweet encouragement for all Christians who need to experience and remember Christ’s imminence. Yes, He is high and lifted up, sitting on the right hand of the Lord and should be treated as the Holy being thatContinue reading “He Holds The Golden Chalice To Your Lips…”

Hope In God; For I Shall Again Praise Him…

All I can say is that I am so very glad last week has come to an end and a new week is in progress. Because a great sickness enveloped my home, wreaking havoc on every member of my family and destroying spirit’s in its wake. Our battle became less about the actual sickness and more about our war-tornContinue reading “Hope In God; For I Shall Again Praise Him…”