Be Still My Soul, The Lord Is On Your Side…

Every now and than we all need to still our souls. I dare say we should probably do this everyday, but never do. It is only until we reach the end of ourselves that we tend to still ourselves. When we have run out of options. I suppose, there is no better time then that.Continue reading “Be Still My Soul, The Lord Is On Your Side…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

You may have noticed I didn’t do a “Let me direct…” last week and I will tell you why. I didn’t feel like it. So today you will be getting a Father’s Day edition. I look forward to Chris coming home from work, so me and the kids can celebrate him! A Father’s Day Poem: This lovelyContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

VeggieTales, Moralism And The Gospel…

My kid’s watch VeggieTales. Not because they asked me if they could, but because I introduced them to it. They watch it because I put it on for them. But long before I had kids I had strong feelings toward this cartoon starring vegetables and its messages to kids. I had read many opinions by scholarly type people who believed allContinue reading “VeggieTales, Moralism And The Gospel…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Mommy Wars: I will never stop posting articles like this because it is so prevailant in my world. Here are some great quotes from lots of wise woman to help us with this mommy war epidemic. Fake Love, Fake War: Russel Moore wrote an article on the Desiring God blog that is great. It isContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Finished The Hunger Games…

I have finished reading The Hunger Games and I have to say it has left me with no desire to see the movie. Although I have seen trailers for it, I still have my own version of Katniss and Peeta and Gale. My imagination has provided me with pictures of Prim, Cato, Haymitch and the rest. And IContinue reading “Finished The Hunger Games…”