Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Rejecting The Dress Code Was My Vietnam. Then I Grew Up: This is a great article about the recent high school girls crop top day, and how it is supposedly a feminist, body shaming and social justice issue. Letter To Teens Unboxing Their First Smartphone: Short. Simple. Good. Parents, Require Obedience Of Your Children: JustContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Sin – In Every Family And Person, Even The Squeaky Clean Ones…

Here we go again… You would have to be inhabiting an underground bunker to not have heard the latest reality TV news from last week. It was a media storm. Kind of like the battle of Fox News and every other liberal news outlet (which I suppose is any other news channel other than Fox). IContinue reading “Sin – In Every Family And Person, Even The Squeaky Clean Ones…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Introverts In The Dearest Place On Earth: I love reading about both extroverts and introverts as I am an introvert married to an extrovert. And as the years pass by He has started taking on my introvert qualities and I have taken on some extrovert qualities. The Hardest Sins To Talk About: Ed Stetzer givesContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Beyonce’s Behind And Other Reasons I’m Not A Feminist…

There are many reasons for which I do not subscribe to the F word. So this is just one of them. You may have noticed that Feminism is posh again. (Do people still say posh? I guess I do). There are many pop culture voices ringing the Fem-bell loudly like Beyoncé, Lena Dunham, Emma Watson andContinue reading “Beyonce’s Behind And Other Reasons I’m Not A Feminist…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

If You See Something, Say Something: I’ve been around the church block long enough to know how important this is. If you’re hoping that something will resolve itself, you need more fear that it will blow up terribly. If you are praying that God will bring something to light, listen to his call to “takeContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Yummy Fudgy Cookies…

This recipe is just too good to keep to myself. These cure any chocolate craving and taste like a mix between fudge, cookie and brownie. I originally got it from a Weight Watchers website, trying to be healthy and thinking it would suck because of the healthiness. But oh boy was I wrong. Unfortunately I wouldn’t put these inContinue reading “Yummy Fudgy Cookies…”