Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Well its a short one this week. My main man is preaching this morning, so I am doing this while scarfing down some cereal and anticipating the chaos of rounding up the troops. So here is just a few links for the viewing! Desire And Submission: This is a good one for all the wives outContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Oprah And Why “Context” Isn’t Just A Throw Away Term…

Here we go again, another Christian attacking Oprah. Is that what your thinking? I hope not. This is not a post about how I think Oprah is the anti-Christ or something ridiculous like that. This is however a post about the necessity of discernment in the church. Oprah is just one of many voices inContinue reading “Oprah And Why “Context” Isn’t Just A Throw Away Term…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

I have to give attention where attention is due. The trial of Kermit Gosnell needs to be seen and heard over and over again because our conscience needs to be pricked relentlessly over these crimes. If the media will not make a stink about it, than my small and insignificant little blog will. Please read these articles andContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”

Just To Help You Understand Us…

By us I mean mom’s. I have been an M word for about 4 and something years (to include gestation). I have read books, blogs, articles, statuses and the like about this role I play. You probably have too, even if you aren’t a mom. You might even be sick of us mother’s talking, talking,Continue reading “Just To Help You Understand Us…”

Pastors; Like Nursing Mother’s…

“For we never came with words of flattery, as you know, nor with a pretext for greed—God is witness. Nor did we seek glory from people, whether from you or from others, though we could have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you, like a nursing mother taking care of herContinue reading “Pastors; Like Nursing Mother’s…”

Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…

Sorry for the quiet blog this week. I have some posts lined up for the coming days, so stay tuned. Here is another round of posts and video’s that caught my attention recently. When Josh Harris Slapped Me Across The Face: This post happened to slap me also. So many of us Reformed types needContinue reading “Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…”