Let Me Direct You Elsewhere…


I don’t know how I managed to get this done, with my daughter’s birthday and two Christmas parties this weekend, but I did. Hurray me!

Is The Culture At War With Christmas: I just wrote on this topic but Russell Moore is far more articulate and astute than I am, so give it a read!

How To Deal With Holiday Family Tensions: If we are honest with ourselves we know we are secretly dreading one or more of the scheduled family gatherings of the season. Here is a great article by Moore (again) on how to manage it graciously.

Why Aren’t We Calling It the “Royal Fetus”? “Could it be that we reserve the terms “baby” and “child” for unborn babies that are wanted and prefer the term “fetus” for unborn babies that are not?” This is a good one.

Hillsong – O Come Let Us Adore Him: Here’s a song to add to your Christmas favorites. Hillsong released their latest Christmas album called We Have A Savior a couple of weeks ago, and I have been enjoying it greatly.

Published by hisgracemygrowth

I am a wife and full-time mom of a boy and girl who are 13 months a part. I am a Christ-following woman who is striving to honor God in all my endeavours! I stumble often....but His Grace is sufficient!

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